This 30 foot one of a kind Hacker craft was in very bad shape when we started. Much of the planking was rotted and most of the chrome hardware was missing .Using old photos and John Hacker's drawings we recreated the hardware. Then we installed a Rolls Royce V 12 engine that should have adequate power.
My name is Don Curtis. I have been restoring classic and antique boats for about fifty years .My son David works with me though he hasn't been at it quite as long. We specialize in restoring boats that need extensive rebuilding. For this we use a system we developed and call individually stabilized planks.
This is a1957 Chris Craft continental 26 foot twin engine.
You need big exhaust pipes for that V 12. It's 1650 cubic inches or 27.4 liters.
This is a 1955 Chris Craft capri 21 foot.1955
In 1949 the Yankees had a Joe DiMaggio day at Yankee stadium and his fans gave him a Chris Craft speed boat named Joltin Joe. Many years later Joe gave the boat to the city of Martinez California which is where he was born. The city displayed the boat in a park on top of some poles for many years and the weather took a tole on it. The Sons of Italy seeing the sad state of the boat decided to raise money to restore it. Martinez carpenters local 152 would do the labor but did not know how to restore boats. A friend told me about the project and I volunteered to be the coach.
Every Saturday we would meet for breakfast and then work half a day on the boat. The engine hardware and upholstery were missing and had to be found or recreated. The restoration of Joltin Joe took five and a half years. Techniques were the same as used by Chris Craft topside planks are fitted water tight with no sealer.
this overhead cam "Hemi" was built by Truscott launch aand motor company in 1904 or earlier.
This fantail launchis white cypress (often mislabeled as cedar) on oak ribsoak coamings and sheer plank. Mahogany deck and interior. Fantail launches launches are the most comfortable riding boats
I have researched this engine for years and believe it is an example of the first "Hemi". An improved version of this engine became part of truscotts line in 1906. Many documents point to A,R, Welch as the designer of this engine in1901. Still looking.
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